I have `color status black cyan' in my ~/.muttrc. Stepping through mutt
ensures that ColorDefs[MT_COLOR_STATUS] is 0x0A00 where color-pair 10
was initialized with init_pair(10, 0, 6). This should produce normal
black on cyan, however ncurses (version 4.2) for some strange reason
outputs \e[0;10;1m\e[30m;\e[46m (reset everything, set bold, set
foreground to black and background to cyan), making it look like
`brightblack cyan'. Is this a bug in mutt (e.g. not specificallty
resetting A_BOLD which was set by a previous attrset?), or a bug in
ncurses (or maybe in terminfo?)?
Note that the preceding sequences are \e[0;10m\e[?25l\e[H (reset
everything, make cursor invisible, move cursor to 1,1), so bold is
turned on purposedly just for displaying help line.
Note that this affects both help and status line in the index, and only
help in the pager. Status line in the pager displays normal black on
This occurs both on the linux console and Eterm.
Other colors seem to work as expected (with ncurses; there's a wholy
different story with slang...).
Marius Gedminas
Favourite MAC error message: "Not enough memory to eject disk!"