On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 03:14:21PM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> I'm using mutt on this system (x-1.net) via an ssh connection from a
> Sun workstation. It works fine except for colour. I have mutt
> running on the Sun locally with colour working OK and have copied the
> commands across.
> I have slrn working on this ssh session and displaying colour OK
> (using slrn -C), is there any way to get mutt to send colour
> information too?
Please correct me if i am wrong but i think its mostly your ssh-client
(-- it has to understand ANSI colors --) which is responsible for
the colors. On some minor popular OS i use TeraTerm to connect to
my linux box. It is in the public domain and supports colors in the
VT100 emulation.
-- Holger
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