On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 03:14:21PM +0000, Chris Green thus spoke:
> I'm using mutt on this system (x-1.net) via an ssh connection from a
> Sun workstation.  It works fine except for colour.  I have mutt
> running on the Sun locally with colour working OK and have copied the
> commands across.
> I have slrn working on this ssh session and displaying colour OK
> (using slrn -C), is there any way to get mutt to send colour
> information too?

I have a local Linux box and a remote Sun UltraSparc running Solaris
talking with ssh, and I can get mutt on the Solaris box to do my linux
colour.  Make sure you set your termcap/terminfo correctly for the platform
you're actually viewing it with, on the remote host.  Other than that, I
had to do nothing to make it work out of the box.

Word of warning:  Setting the termcap/terminfo to linux on Solaris works
great for mutt and about everything EXCEPT vi, which had problems with
insert doing extra nonexistent spaces.  Use vim or another editor and you'll 
be fine.  It was just the native vi that was wobbly.

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