At 07:04 -0600 14 Jan 2000, Alex Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Several times over the past two weeks, I have had occasion to send mail to folks
> who, for whatever perverse reason, get their e-mail accounts through
> AOL. Two separate people have thus told me that they have repeatedly not
> received mail sent to them from mutt (or bounced again, later), though
> when "forwarded" by hand via another account (e.g., my work account),
> they receive my messages with no problem. Two other people who should
> have answered correspondence have not done so, and I suspect it's
> because they have not received *my* mail.
My first suspicion would be that you're sending mail with an invalid
domain for the envolope sender. AOL (and many other systems) won't
accept mail if the envelope sender's domain doesn't exist; and because
the domain doesn't exist, any bounce message won't reach you.
To fix the problem you should either reconfigure your MTA (sendmail most
likely) to use a valid domain, or add something like [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to mutt's $sendmail variable.
Let us be charitable, and call it a misleading feature :-) --Larry Wall