* Alex Lane ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000114 13:42]:
> Several times over the past two weeks, I have had occasion to send mail to folks
> who, for whatever perverse reason, get their e-mail accounts through
> AOL. Two separate people have thus told me that they have repeatedly not
> received mail sent to them from mutt (or bounced again, later), though
> when "forwarded" by hand via another account (e.g., my work account),
> they receive my messages with no problem. Two other people who should
> have answered correspondence have not done so, and I suspect it's
> because they have not received *my* mail.
> Has anyone heard of anything like this before? Am I barking up the wrong
> tree thinking AOL can't handle normal e-mail? or e-mail from mutt?

I'm having the exact same problem.

But the problem isn't mutt.  I run use Mutt at work and I can email AOL
accounts just fine.  But at home, it doesn't even bother to get bounced, just
goes off into the ether.

I think this is happening because I'm IP masquerading.  Are you?

On that note, let's move this discussion off the list.

Joshua T. Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
http://members.home.net/jrowe3/             ICQ# 28121324 (Yeshuah)
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