Hello, I'm having some problems on getting mutt to work (properly) with
PGP 5.0. Does anyone here use it?
I already compiled mutt 1.0i with support for PGP (had to hack the configure
script though). I've set the proper variables and generated a key for me using
pgpk -g.
Now, for the questions:
When I finish writing a message, I have the common PGP options available.
If I do a <esc>-k, it should send my public (or another one I choose) key to
the recipient, right?
After I generated the key for me, there seems to have 2 keys, both selectable,
but with some kind of different flags (one with a 's' and other with a 'e').
What is the difference between them?
I can sign my messages normally, no problem, but it seems that with the <esc>-k
mutt is not appending (sometimes it appends) the selected public key to the
end of the message.
Also, there appears some odd messages (no file, writting to stdin, no config
file found), etc etc. Is there a way to suppress these messages?
I've already read loads of documentation about mutt with pgp, but I think my
questions deal more with pgp than with mutt (i think).
Does anyone here use it, and would be willing to give me a hand?
Thanks in advance,
Bruno Lustosa