At 11:25 +0200 07 Jan 2000, Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Timothy Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 06 Jan 2000:
> > Is there a way to give vim a single keystroke to at once both save and
> > send a letter in mutt?
> On the theoretical level, Mutt can't get any information back from the
> editor beyond the exit code and the contents of the saved file, so there
> is no way from the editor to send back information about what action
> should be done next (unless exit codes are used for this, which might

Not true.  Mutt could also look at the permission bits of the temp file.
For example, it could be coded to send the message immediately if the
sticky bit was set.  Then a macro could be used in the editor to set
that bit and exit.  For example, for vim:

map ,x :r!chmod +t %^M:wq!^M

Note, I'm just saying that this could be done, not that it should.  I
don't have a problem with having to explicitly send the message from the
compose menu.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Any program which runs right is obsolete.

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