Mat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 30 Dec 1999:
> Hi there!


First, please use the address [EMAIL PROTECTED], not

> I would like to to reply to an incoming mail using the
> TO: field of the mail that I received in my header FROM:.
> I need this because I have many address mail on several mail server,
> and I fetch the mails on my local user.

Ok, you want to use $reverse_name.

> I've tried with this one:
> send-hook '~t ^mat@antwerpen\.com$' 'my_hdr From: `~f`'

That won't work, ~f is a pattern match operator, not a variable.
And secondly, you unfortunately can't mix use of $reverse_name with a
"my_hdr From: ..." command, the my_hdr takes precedence and the
$reverse_name effect gets ignored.  (There is a solution for this in
the developement branch version of Mutt, but if you don't need to use
"my_hdr From:" for anything else then you can ignore that, and just
not use "my_hdr From:" at all.)

> set reverse_name    # reply as the user to whom the mail was sent to

This is what you want.

If it doesn't work, make sure you don't have any "my_hdr From:"

Also, be sure to make sure your alternates setting is correct. (I'm not
sure if that's needed for $reverse_name, but it's a good idea to have it
set up properly anyway.)  For example, this is (part of) what I use:

  set alternates=^([EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|mikko@.*$

> set reply_self      # If unset and you are replying to a message sent
>                     # by you, Mutt will assume that you want to reply
>                     # to the recipients of that message rather
>                     # than to yourself.

You probably want to actually have "unset reply_self", which is the
default.  This is mostly useful when you're looking at an email you sent
yourself (for example, in a =sent-mail folder) and want to send an email
to all the people you originally emailed, but comment on what you
yourself wrote.  If you have $reply_self unset, you can hit just "r" to
do that, provided your alternates setting is correct.

Hope this helped,
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
"Caffeine is an important part of a balanced food diet."

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