Hi there!
I'm trying to configure properly my mutt ;)
I would like to to reply to an incoming mail using the
TO: field of the mail that I received in my header FROM:.
I need this because I have many address mail on several mail server,
and I fetch the mails on my local user.
I've tried with this one:
send-hook '~t ^mat@antwerpen\.com$' 'my_hdr From: `~f`'
In a second time i tried also these:
set reverse_name # reply as the user to whom the mail was sent to
# Example: I often get emails addressed "To:
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]". With "reverse_name" I can
# thus reply as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -
# even from other accounts.
set reply_self # If unset and you are replying to a message sent
# by you, Mutt will assume that you want to reply
# to the recipients of that message rather
# than to yourself.
but it doesn't seems to be all rights.
What's wrong?
Thanks in advance,Mat