On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 1999-12-31 00:27:44 -0800, Michael Elkins wrote:
> > If someone wanted to do this, what I would suggest is making an
> > user controlled option to search text/plain messages for the
> > magic string "-----BEGIN PGP".
> > I suggest the variable
> > set i_really_want_to_slow_down_reading_my_mailboxes
I don't think, that we should use a global option for this. What
about the following idea:
Add some function (bound on a hot key), which parses the actual
message for "-----BEGIN PGP" and changes the internal PGP flags of
this message in the same way as Content-Type: application/pgp does now
automatically. This information can be stored until the user changes
the actual mailbox. After the change of the flags, the message should
be redisplayed, because it may look different after changing the PGP
This approach has the following advantages:
- it doesn't slow down normal Mutt use
- it works for multipart mails (nearly impossible with procmail)
- it doesn't change the message (IMHO a major disadvantage of the
procmail approach)
- it works with IMAP where the user doesn't have a chance to use
procmail on the server
The only disadvantage of this idea is, that the user has to press the
hot key for every PGP message, which isn't flagged correct by MIME,
but this can be taken as a feature, because it shows how useful MIME
is :-)
> No, thanks. _This_ can really be done at delivery time by procmail.
Do you really want Mutt to be a geek only mail reader? Open your
eyes, there are normal users out there, which don't want or aren't
allowed/able to use procmail and which communicate with Windows users,
which send out PGP without MIME headers but instead of this with
vcards (multipart/mixed). If you want Mutt to become widely used, you
should make it _accept_ every PGP style (if checking of signatures
fails to often, users will notice, that they should change their
creation of signatures).
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.spinnaker.de/ *
PGP signature