On Mon, Dec 27, 1999 at 11:24:29PM +0200, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 27 Dec 1999:
> > ...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
> > % Can anyone suggest a filter to not sign messages in reply-to messages
> > % with this in the header:
> > % 
> > % > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
> > 
> > Now that's a good one...  I won't try that one but I'll watch to see what
> > someone (mikko? sec? :-) dreams up...
> I wish I could help, but I don't think it's possible.
> You can change the relevant values with send-hooks, but send-hooks only
> act on the new message, not the headers or content of the message that's
> being replied to.  So you can choose not to sign based on recipient
> address, but not based on a header in the original message.
> So if you can't use send-hooks, there would be need to be some other
> kind of hook or condition that would be invoked, but I can't think of
> anything else that would act per-message.  I suppose it might be
> possible somehow to re-bind all (?) the movement keys so that they'd
> set the variables correctly as you moved to each message, but that's
> a pretty horrible solution even as far as kludges go. :-)  Even if it's
> possible, and I'm not sure about that.

What this kind of kludge:
        1. .mutt/sendhooks.rc is sourced in your muttrc.
        2. identify the evil headers in procmail
        3. pass the message from outlook through a filter program ala
        4. this filter oudb keeps a list of users who are outlook
                users and makes sure to eliminate duplicates.
        5. if a new user is added then a send-hook is appended to
The problems are many but at least from session to session you should
be protecting outlook users.  The biggest problem is during a session
when you receive new mail from an outlook user not in your oudb.  They 
might get mail from you that would crash their machines.  As a side
benefit mail initially from you to an outlook user would still not be 

I might try to do this with a python script for the filter since I am
in the process of learning python.

> [SNIP]
> Mikko


PS. I am having problems with windows users and my gpg signing as
well.  If you see any problems with my gpg sig please inform me.

Duncan Watson             oOoOo It is pitch black.  You are likely to oOoOo  
Unix Sysadmin at Large     oOoOo         be eaten by a grue.         oOoOo  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               oOoOo                                   oOoOo  
Portland, OR                 oOoOo                                 oOoOo

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