On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 09:57:03AM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 1999-12-19 10:17:02 -0800, Michael Elkins wrote:
> > Mutt saves an exact copy of what actually gets sent. You need to
> > use the `set pgp_encryptself' so that messages will additionally
> > be encrypted to yourself, allowed you to read saved outgoing
> > mail.
> Actually, the unstable branch has an fcc_clear option.
Does this make that much sense? Why do I encrypt some mails? --> because I
only want same very few people to be able to read them. This excludes (IMHO)
even the system administrator, which would happily be able to read mails
that would normally be saved in an encrypted state...
This way I strongly recommend everybody to use 'set psp_encryptself' in
~/.muttrc (for PGP) or 'encrypt-to 0xKEYID' in ~/.gnupg/options (for GnuPG)
instead of saving (encrypted) mails in plaintext...
Fehler eingestehen, Größe zeigen: Nehmt die Rechtschreibreform zurück!!!
keyID=0x8399E1BB fingerprint=250D 3BCF 7127 0D8C A444 A961 1DBD 5E75 8399 E1BB
PGP signature