On Sun, Dec 19, 1999 at 07:50:21PM +0100, Alexander Dvorak t2069 wrote:
> Jan-Benedict hint indeed worked for me.
> Setting pgp_encryptself does not harm, but it is essential
> to set encrypt-to MYKEYID in /.gnupg/options.
> Thank you all very much !!

It is not set for me:

[jbglaw@belgarath:/home/jbglaw] $> grep -i encryptself .muttrc 
[jbglaw@belgarath:/home/jbglaw] $> 

Well, GnuPG encrypts every and anything you want to encrypt to your key _if_
you set encrypt-to to yout keyID. GnuPG has no equivalent option for what
pgp_encryptself was created for... It _only_ looks for encrypt-to´s in your


Fehler eingestehen, Größe zeigen: Nehmt die Rechtschreibreform zurück!!!
keyID=0x8399E1BB fingerprint=250D 3BCF 7127 0D8C A444 A961 1DBD 5E75 8399 E1BB

PGP signature

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