I would not like to reinvetn the wheel, and I am sure someone has already
done this:
I need a hook to have a separate compose window when composing a new
message. At the same time I need to be able to view the messages in my
folders (e.g. to gather some more information about the issue at hand)
I browsed through a couple of example configs but couldn't find any hint
for this kind of a hook. I am quite a beginner with Mutt, so help would be
greatly appreciated.
Please respond to my own email address, too. I am not a member on the
mutt-users list.
Thanks in advance! :-)
Otakaari 20 B 39 Helsinki University of Technology
02150 Espoo Department of Computer Science
09-4683249/040-5642709 http://www.niksula.cs.hut.fi/~tweckstr