On Mon 11/29/99 at 09:26 AM +0000, Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, for example, the following macros in my .muttrc file *don't*
> work (though they all appear OK on the help screen):-
> macro generic ,s "s{mailandnews.co.uk}"
> macro generic ,c "c{mailandnews.co.uk}"
> macro generic ^X  ":source ~/.mutt/"
> macro index ^X  ":source ~/.mutt/"
> But the following ones do work:-
> macro generic \\b ":source ~/.mutt/muttrc\r"
> macro generic \\d ":source ~/.mutt/demon\r"
> macro generic \\c ":source ~/.mutt/cgreen\r"
> macro generic \\i ":source ~/.mutt/isbd\r"
> macro index ,s "s{mailandnews.co.uk}"
> macro index ,c "c{mailandnews.co.uk}"

I believe that in your first two and last two macros above, the quotation
marks are unnecessary, since if I'm not mistaken quotes are only needed if
you have one or more spaces in whatever sequence you've defined.  Though
apparently macros will function whether you have the quotes there or not.

But (sorry) I don't know why the top four macros won't work.

                                 // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //

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