I have been trying to add a number of macros to mutt and have been
having all sorts of trouble. Basically the problem is that not all
macro definitions work in all menus, in particular:-
Very few macro definitions that I have tried work in the
'generic' menu. I have tried both single and two character macros
and only one or two combinations seem to work at all.
Only some macros work in the other menus, I have been testing
mostly in the 'index' menu. Mostly the macros that don't work
seem to be single character ones, the two character macros I
have tried do seem to work in the index menu.
So, for example, the following macros in my .muttrc file *don't*
work (though they all appear OK on the help screen):-
macro generic ,s "s{mailandnews.co.uk}"
macro generic ,c "c{mailandnews.co.uk}"
macro generic ^X ":source ~/.mutt/"
macro index ^X ":source ~/.mutt/"
But the following ones do work:-
macro generic \\b ":source ~/.mutt/muttrc\r"
macro generic \\d ":source ~/.mutt/demon\r"
macro generic \\c ":source ~/.mutt/cgreen\r"
macro generic \\i ":source ~/.mutt/isbd\r"
macro index ,s "s{mailandnews.co.uk}"
macro index ,c "c{mailandnews.co.uk}"
This all seems a bit unsatisfactory and vague to me, is there any way
to decide whether a particular macro will work or not other than
just trying it?
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