On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 10:12:47AM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 1999-11-15 17:06:45 -0700, Rayne Wolery wrote:
> > So
> > what I'm looking for is a way to send a message with a blank body and a
> > text file attachment to 1 or more users in one command line entry
> > without it prompting for me to verify who it is sent to, what the
> > subject is, and finally having to enter "y" to send the message.
> $ mutt -s "silly subject" -a attach1 -a attach2 -a attach3 \
>       recip1 recip2 recip3 < body.txt
> Obviously, body.txt is just a placehlder - you may use /dev/null
> instead, or you could do something like this:
> $ echo | mutt -s "..." -a .. recip1 ...


Can we specify a specific MIME type too for each attachment?

i.e: mutt -s "silly subject" -a msword.doc:application/msword -a
     pdfdoc.pdf:application/pdf recipents < /dev/null


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