Hi Niels!
When you send the message you may have FCC =mutt-users which is caused by
the config option set save_name. You could unset it.
On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Niels Rasmussen wrote:
> Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 02:46:41PM -0600, skrev Chris Costello:
> > On Sun, Nov 14, 1999, Niels Rasmussen wrote:
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > I still dont get it ??
> > >
> > > Why do mutt send a copy of my outgoing messages in the mailfolders of the
> > > mailingslists that I am sending to, and noone in my outgoing folder ??
> >
> > Because you're on the list, and you're getting your own email
> > through the mailing list.
> Oh no, you are getting me all wrong.
> See, the problem is that when I am writing a mail, a copy of that mail
> goes directly to the "folder" that I write to !
> i.e
> I write to mutt-users, the message appears immediately in folder
> "mutt-users".
> The message is sent!
> After a while, fetch/procmail catch the mail from my ISP and put in the
> same folder.
> Now I have two messages that is similar, except that the first one
> contains Mail-followup-to in the header ??
> Now, what I want to, is that the first mail goes to sent-mail
> Do you see my point ??
> How can I change that ??
> BTW. thanks for your first reply (editor) :-)
> /Niels
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Niels Rasmussen | "To do is to be" -- Plato
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | "To be is to do" -- Kant
> Registred Linux user #133791 | "Do be do be do" -- Sinatra
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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