Hi all
I still dont get it ??
Why do mutt send a copy of my outgoing messages in the mailfolders of the
mailingslists that I am sending to, and noone in my outgoing folder ??
The copy that goes to the mailfolders contains:
Mail-followup-to in the header ??
Is this a feature or a bug ??
I have this in my .muttrc:
set folder=~/Mail
set copy=yes
set record=~/Mail/sent-mail
And in .procmailrc I have this:
:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
I have read a ton of documentation but still I have no answers !
Its really annoying though, could someone please tell me what to do ??
Niels Rasmussen | "To do is to be" -- Plato
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | "To be is to do" -- Kant
Registred Linux user #133791 | "Do be do be do" -- Sinatra