* Ronny Haryanto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991114 05:12]:
> On 13-Nov-1999, Josh Rodman wrote:
> > Thus i created ~/Mail/sent. I want two main things:
> > A) all automatically saved mail should drop into this directory
Ahh, I now understand things quite a bit better.
This is easily achievable given the format %strings (I did not realize
these could be used in most commands!) Sorry for the silly qustion.
However, I would ideally like to keep the behavior of
"set save_name; unset force_name", but in a different directory.
Is this possible?
I could always fall back to autogenerating fcc-hooks from a file, or
bcc:ing things through procmail, but I wondered if I was totally missing
> > B) I hope to additionally cause mindless use of 's [return]' from the
> > index to drop main into this directory as well named as per default by the
> > sender. Of course I want to be able to ovveride this on a case-by-case
> > basis.
> I would create a macro for this. Use \n for [return]. Press
> 's whatever' instead of macro to override.
This will work, and is the best idea probabaly. "S" is unused, and it
seems reasonable. I had imagined I could control what the '=suggestion'
would be on the line, which would require the least training...
There's always the source!
Thanks again all.
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