Sanity check:
I'm rather new to fancy mutt configs.
I like the concept of 'save_name' and have enabled it, but I don't want it
cluttering up my main $folder.
Thus i created ~/Mail/sent. I want two main things:
A) all automatically saved mail should drop into this directory
B) I hope to additionally cause mindless use of 's [return]' from the
index to drop main into this directory as well named as per default by the
sender. Of course I want to be able to ovveride this on a case-by-case
Attempted solution to A)
Currently I am playing with a global send-hook which changes the value of
$folder. I assume (hope) this will expire after the 'send' and thus the
mail will blissfilly land in the other folder.
Thoughts on B)
none so far.
Any thoughts are rather desired.
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