On Thu, Nov 11, 1999 at 11:33:29AM -0600, David DeSimone wrote:
> Well, if you do like many hackers, and try to make a "clever" regexp,
> it's probably going to be hard to read.  But there's no reason you can't
> just make a "simple" regexp that does the same thing.
>     set alternates='^(fox|david|cretin)@(convex|hp).com)$"

But doesn't that seem like such a kludge?  I mean, it isn't even
"standard" with the rest of mutt.  For example, I can setup mailboxes

mailboxes =drdre
mailboxes =snoopdogg
... etc etc

And the same goes for lists.

Why (rhetorical question) can't I do it with alternates?

For example:
alternates dre@chronic\.net
alternates snoop@lbc\.ca.us
... etc etc

Does that just look much cleaner?  It would still allow the use of
regexes.  Even if it meant a performance decrease in comparsion to a
carefully crafed, single regex, i'd rather use something that I can

 Nathan Cullen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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