On Thu, Nov 11, 1999 at 05:51:19AM +0200, Mikko Hänninen thus spoke:
> Nathan Cullen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 10 Nov 1999:
> > My question is, can I have multiple "alternates" (one for each email
> > address), or do I have to bunch them all in to one big regex?
> You bunch them all in one big regex.  It looks slightly ugly but
> fortunately it doesn't need to be human-parseable most of the time.
> :-)

I imagine it does look really confusing with lots of short things like
iki.fi in it.  :)  *grin*  No offense...but the shorter the strings, the
harder time I have reading the entire expression because you get no feel
for context without counting nestings carefully.

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