Surely sendmail reeled when thusly spake Fairlight:
> On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 10:54:20PM -0500, Ken W thus spoke:
> > a "shwa" represented by an upside-down 'e'. It is the same vowel
> > sound in "what" and "up" and "cup".
> >
> > Wow, finally putting my degree in linguistics to good use! :) Hope
> > this helps.
> You needed a degree in linguistics for that? That was basic 1st grade
> phonics in a Catholic grade school, circa 1976.
Except, schwa can't be in an accented syllable, can it ?
a mostly satisfied ex-elm user
F.Baube(tm) * "Geese, I'm led to understand, make
G'town U. MSFS '88 * excellent watchdogs. Which is good
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * because Rottweillers make lousy poultry."
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