On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 09:46:56PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
> Bah, you are correct David (see enclosed). My dreams of a self
> maintaining mail folder temporarilly shattered. :(
using maildrop you could achieve this:
Keep copies of the last 50 messages that you received in
the maildir directory 'backup'. NOTE: 'backup' must be a
maildir directory, not a mailbox. You can create a maildir
using the maildirmake command. maildirmake comes with
qmail. If Qmail is not installed, a substitute maildirmake
is provided as part of the maildrop package.
cc backup
`cd backup/new && rm -f dummy \`ls -t | sed -e 1,50\``
You can find maildrop at http://www.flounder.net/~mrsam/maildrop/