at the moment im using vim as my editor for mutt. but, i would like
to use Emacs. so, i downloaded this Emacs-Mutt-Mode configuration
file at freshmeat.net. now, if i set emacs as my editor, emacs
automatically inserts line breaks. fine. but, i would like to have a
line-break after 68 chars. and emacs inserts one after something
about 70 chars. so, i thougt the number of these chars is defined in
this emacs-mutt-mode configuration file, but it isn't !
i never had to configure emacs...
can anybody tell me where this number is defined ?
btw: also i would like emacs to cut signatures automatically. theres
an example for the vim, but not for the emacs...
tnx, bye !
ps: sorry for my bad, bad english ;)
##### Moritz Schulte - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #####
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