Moritz Schulte writes:
> if i set emacs as my editor, emacs automatically inserts line
> breaks. fine. but, i would like to have a line-break after 68
> chars. and emacs inserts one after something about 70 chars.

this is a generic emacs variable to set in your .emacs:

     (setq-default fill-column 72)       

> btw: also i would like emacs to cut signatures automatically. theres
> an example for the vim, but not for the emacs...

>From a different elisp snippet I use for a similar purpose as the
mutt-mode (this runs as emacs loads the message):

        ;; Remove any quoted signature
        (flush-lines "^> -- \\(\n> .*\\)*") (not-modified)

hope this helps,

       Alec Habig, Boston University Particle Astrophysics Group
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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