On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> Sorry for the off topic question... can any of you recommend any GUI
> MUAs that support PGP/MIME instead of just old-style? I've got some
> people I'm moving from Windows to Linux, and this is one of the
> overriding needs for a MUA for them.
I asked a similar question some weeks ago on a German newsgroup about
mail readers and got a list of MUAs which support RFC 2015. Here's
the result:
Mail readers with RFC 2015 (PGP/MIME) support
* [2]Mutt
* exmh
* premail (not really a reader, but a plugin for netscape or any
client where you can change how sendmail is invoked)
* [3]XCmail
* mew (an emacs mail reader)
* Voodo on Amiga
* Gnus 5.6.45 with TM and Mailcrypt
* Qualcomm Eudora (full and light version for Windows and Mac) since
version 3.02 with PGP 5.5.3i and 6.0.2i Plugin
* XFMail 1.3
* MS Exchange with PGP 5 (?)
* MS Outlook with PGP 5 (?)
* MS Outlook Express with the Plugins which come with PGP.
* Claris Em@iler with PGP 5 (?)
* The internal mail reader of [4]Mixmaster 2.9
Without RFC 2015 support (yet)
* Pterodactyl Gnus (but code is partly written)
2. http://www.mutt.org/
3. http://www.fsai.fh-trier.de/~schmitzj/Xclasses/XCmail/
4. http://mixmaster.anonymizer.com/
You will have to find out yourself which of these MUAs use a GUI...
Any additions and corrections are welcome.
The above list is available under
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.spinnaker.de/ *
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