I wrote a mail agent front end that layered something a lot like
Emac's dired utility on top of mh. I'd still be using it but my inbox is
about 3000 messages and using mh is just too slow. So I'm switching to
mutt, mutt looks cool.
However, one feature that I had that I really miss is this: I could have a
list of addresses and have color highlighting in the index based on those
addresses. Mutt has support for mailing lists, but that - while useful -
isn't what I want. A simple version of what I want is that all messages
sent to "lm@*" or CC-ed to are highlighted with a color on the index page.
Is there a way to do this? And is there a way to have an arbitrary list
of those? It's really useful. I get between 300-1000 messages a day and
I really want to be able to pick through and get the stuff that is to me
highlighted. I have this bad habit of cleaning out my mailbox early in
the morning before coffee. You can imagine the need for the highlighting...
Thanks in advance.