Quoting Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) from Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 03:32:01AM 
> Nathan Cullen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 20 Sep 1999:
> > What is the generally accepted message length for plain text messages?  I've
> > heard several numbers (72 chars, 80, 79, etc..).
> 72 is the one I've seen most.  In general, "less than 80".  The
> reasoning for 72, which is quite a bit less than 80, is that you can
> have several levels of quoting and it the line will still fit within
> 80 chars.

Eesh, how quickly we forget.

The reasoning for 72 is that if we drop our cards, we can stick them in
the sorter and save all that manual sorting time. It also happens to
be handy for the reason you mention. :-)

  -Rich "nine edge first" L.

------------------------------ Rich Lafferty ---------------------------
 Sysadmin/Programmer, Information and Instructional Technology Services
   Concordia University, Montreal, QC                 (514) 848-7625
------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------

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