Nathan Cullen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> What is the generally accepted message length for plain text messages?  I've
> heard several numbers (72 chars, 80, 79, etc..).  Also, what would be the
> entry in my .vimrc to enforce this text width?

80 is still considered the maximum safe width to assume for a window.  But
since emails get indendted by reply characters like lots of >'s, you should
use something like 72-75 to keep it under 80 through several levels of

You can do it a few ways in vim, the relevant command is
'set textwidth=75'.  I do it with:

autocmd FileType mail set textwidth=75

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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