On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 06:28:05PM -0400, Rob Reid wrote:
> At  8:35 PM EDT on August 28 rex sent off:
> > 
> > Mutt is running in a KDE Konsole (which can I paste to), but Mutt is
> > calling XJed in another window (I don't know what it is -- xterm? --
> > or how to change it) and pasting does not work there from a KDE
> > Konsole or KDE Terminal or xterm window. However, if I start Mutt from
> > an xterm window or KDE Terminal window instead of a KDE Konsole
> > window, pasting into XJed when I'm composing a message works. So it
> > appears to be a problem with KDE Konsole not allowing pasting to a
> > spawned window. I guess a work-around is not to use Konsole for Mutt.
> I think you've encountered an annoying oddity/feature of jed's default
> mouse handling.  Try holding down the shift key while you do your
> mouse operations in (x)jed, i.e. shift-middle button to paste.

Thanks, but my verson of Jed (0.99.6) doesn't require this (BTW, it's
got pull-down menus, too) I've done more experimenting, and both KDE
Konsole and KDE kvt (0.18.7) appear to be incompatible with XJed --
but only when it's called from Mutt.

If Mutt is running in a Konsole window and I'm composing a message in
XJed pasting does not work from anywhere (might work from rxvt or
xterm). If Mutt is running in a kvt window, pasting from Netscape
works, but pasting from a kvt or Konsole window does not. However,
pasting from kvt or Konsole into XJed running (not called from Mutt)
in a kvt window works, and pasting from a rxvt or xterm window into
XJed called from Mutt works.

Pasting from another Mutt (session running in a kvt window) into a
message being composed in XJed does not work. :(  Pasting from that
session into XJed running alone in a kvt window _does_ work.

Finally, pasting from another Mutt session running in a rxvt or xterm
window _does_ work. Now I need to remember to always start from
xterm or rxvt when I want to paste into a message.

BTW, pasting between kvt, Konsole, xterm, and rxvt works in any

Thanks for the reply.


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