On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 01:02:10PM -0500, David DeSimone wrote:
> rex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Pasting to Xjed running as Mutt's editor worked under RH5.2.  With
> > RH6.0 and KDE it does not -- nothing happens.  Pasting _from_ Xjed
> > while composing a message still works, but usually I want to go the
> > other way.
> Mutt just runs in an xterm, or rxvt, or whatever you want, and *that*
> program is what handles the cuts and pastes.  How can it be Mutt's
> fault?

I didn't mean to suggest that it is a problem with Mutt, but a Usenet
search was fruitless and I though someone here might have run into the

Mutt is running in a KDE Konsole (which can I paste to), but Mutt is
calling XJed in another window (I don't know what it is -- xterm? --
or how to change it) and pasting does not work there from a KDE
Konsole or KDE Terminal or xterm window. However, if I start Mutt from
an xterm window or KDE Terminal window instead of a KDE Konsole
window, pasting into XJed when I'm composing a message works. So it
appears to be a problem with KDE Konsole not allowing pasting to a
spawned window. I guess a work-around is not to use Konsole for Mutt.

Thanks for the reply


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