Telsa [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > I wonder ....... Is subject possible and if it is, how would I be able
> > to do so ??
> Making the mutt commands correspond to lynx-like keystroke commands?
> Funny, I've been wondering about having a go at this, too. Looking at the
> manual, I'm sure that it - or a reasonable facsimile thereof - is
> accomplishable through lots of key-binding.  If I manage it, I'll let you
> know :)

If you manage, drop me a URL and I'll add it to the user patches/etc stuff
on the web page.

And if anyone else has any useful Mutt add-ons that aren't listed there
already, please do the same.  Note that I'm not likely to add pages that
are themselves just lists of links or patches I'm already linking directly.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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