Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 08:30:38PM +0100, Telsa skrev:
> Making the mutt commands correspond to lynx-like keystroke
> commands? Funny, I've been wondering about having a go at this, 
> too. Looking at the manual, I'm sure that it - or a reasonable
> facsimile thereof - is accomplishable through lots of key-binding. 
> If I manage it, I'll let you know :)
> Telsa
Thanks, I would appreciate your effort :-)

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Niels Rasmussen                 | "To do is to be" -- Plato
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             | "To be is to do" -- Kant 
Registred Linux user #133791    | "Do be do be do" -- Sinatra
"When the world seems to be too colored, just go to the console"

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