On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 02:40:32PM +0200, Martin Schröder blurted:
> On 1999-09-03 13:44:56 +0100, Axel Tillequin wrote:
> > I'd like Mutt to SEPARATE AUTOMATICALLY the personal and the mutt-users
> > mails founded in
> > /var/spool/tillequi !
> mutt does not do this; use filtering software like procmail.
Agreed. Here's my mutt-users recipe:
* ^(To|Cc):.*(mutt-users@|@mutt.org)
Note that I'm -only- on mutt-users, so the second logical OR would change
if you were on more than one. And I've only noticed one "alias" for the
list so far that is to [EMAIL PROTECTED], if I
analyzed the headers decently, I could probably find a common-denomenator
to all, both direct and aliases.
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