On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 07:49:17PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> I'm tinkering around a bit with zsh.
> Does anyone have something better than this for mutt command
> completion? (I don't like that sub-directories hack too much, but
> it seems to be the only thing I get working.)
For versions of zsh that support the -W option (3.1.5 and up, I believe), I
compctl -K getmailaliases \
-x 's[+] c[-1,-f],s[-f+]' -f -W ~/mail \
- 's[-f],c[-1,-f]' -f \
-- mutt
Where the function getmailaliases() is equivalent to your array
mutt_aliases, only dynamic.
Note that -W doesn't automatically grab all files recursively, but if you
complete to a directory and add a slash, it will then complete on all files
in that directory, and so on.