Okay...here's my setup:

mbox-hook .* =received
save-hook ~A =received
folder-hook . 'set move=ask-yes'
folder-hook folders/funnies 'set move=no'
folder-hook > 'set move=no'

This does EXACTLY what I wanted all along (thanks, folks!!)...-except-
there's a bug.  :(

Note my second folder-hook.  The folder is actually ~/folders/funnies.
Now...if I put 'funnies' as the expr, it works.  If I put
'folders/funnies', it works.  If I put '~/folders/funnies' (with or without
quotes), it still asks me and doesn't trigger the hook.

Bug?  Known explanation?  My objective was to match filenames exactly,
since it's been pointed out it will try to execute as many as could
match...  I could have 20 different "funnies" folders.  I could have 20
different "folders" directories...each containing a "funnies" folder.
...and could only want ONE excluded.

So why won't it match on ~/folders/funnies  ??

Other than that, it's everything I wanted...I just want to practice "safe
hooking"... :)

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