[Sorry for breaking the thread - I'm replying via the web archives
as I've not received any mutt-users mail for 12 hours or so.]

Sven Guckes wrote:
> * Alisdair McDiarmid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990820 13:40]:
> > I use vim and mutt together (as it should be :) and I'm trying
> > to configure them to both have the same syntax colouring
> > display.  [...]
> > 
> > color header brightblue black [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
> > 
> > in my muttrc file, the whole header line is coloured blue,
> > when all I want coloured is the email address.
> Mutt's "color header" colorizes complete lines only.  :-/

Isn't this bogus behaviour? Is there some reason for this to be
this way? Has anyone got a patch to work around it, or should I
try to do so myself?
alisdair mcdiarmid                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[monkey say what monkey do               rather be dead than cool]

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