On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 10:29:57AM -0400, Fairlight wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 12:33:37AM +0100, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
> > I use vim and mutt together (as it should be :) and I'm trying to
> > configure them to both have the same syntax colouring display.
> > 
> > I like vim's standard colours for email mode - yellow for all
> > headers except email addresses and the Subject header, which are
> > blue. However, if I use:
> Question for ya first...how do you get vim's "standard colours for email
> mode"

Set syntax colouring on (in vim >=5.3) and edit a message from

> ...I guess how do you get vim's email mode?  :)

As above :)

> > color header brightblue black [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
> > in my muttrc file, the whole header line is coloured blue, when
> > all I want coloured is the email address.
> Hmmm...although I'd think your regexp would work fine, have you tried:
>      color header brightblue black <.*@.*>  
> ???  :)

No, but it wouldn't work the way I want to...

> It would highlight the braces as well, but I'm not the king of
> regexp's

Neither am I :)

> so maybe there's a way to "sed" out the offending <>'s from that
> particular regexp if it's a problem.

`From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JaMeS LaWsoN)' or `From: me
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', so the <> regexp wouldn't match the first type.

> Or, if you wanted the WHOLE address, including the text part, you could do:
> " .*>"  ...although that leaves the leading space in there as well.  sed
> would be so handy in these cases.

No, it's just the email address I want coloured.
alisdair mcdiarmid                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[monkey say what monkey do               rather be dead than cool]

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