On Sat, Aug 21, 1999 at 09:55:59AM -0400, Fairlight wrote:
> I'm afraid I'm an old emacs user, and got to know vi, but have paid very
> very little attention to vim's extensions since it was introduced to linux.  
> Could you do me a favour and digress about where the colours are actually
> set?  :)  TERM=linux   ...I'm running on the consoles.

On my system (Red Hat Linux 5.2, Red Hat's default Vim installation), all
relevant files are in /usr/share/vim/syntax/ - with "syntax.vim" being the
main file in which (if I'm not mistaken) the colours are defined. You can
override the colours in your .vimrc/.gvimrc Here's an example from my

  " Set nice colors
  " background for normal text is light grey
  " Text below the last line is darker grey
  " Cursor is green
  " Constants are not underlined but have a slightly lighter background
"  highlight Normal guibg=grey90
  highlight Cursor                      guibg=Red       guifg=White
  highlight IncSearch   gui=NONE        guibg=Paleturquoise     guifg=Black
  highlight NonText                                     guifg=grey80
  highlight Visual      gui=NONE        guibg=black     guifg=yellow
  highlight Comment     gui=NONE        guibg=bg        guifg=#6920ac
  highlight Constant    gui=NONE        guibg=bg        guifg=fg
  highlight String      gui=italic      guibg=bg        guifg=green4
  highlight Identifier  gui=italic      guibg=bg        guifg=blue3
  highlight Function    gui=bold        guibg=bg        guifg=red3
  highlight Statement   gui=bold        guibg=bg        guifg=blue3
  highlight PreProc     gui=bold        guibg=bg        guifg=maroon4
  highlight Macro       gui=italic      guibg=bg        guifg=blue3
  highlight Type        gui=NONE        guibg=bg        guifg=cyan4
  highlight Special     gui=NONE        guibg=grey95

As for the definitions as to how the names ("Cursor", "Comment", etc.pp.)
are used, again, have a look at syntax.vim and the other files in


      Thomas Ribbrock    http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan    ICQ#: 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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