On Sat, Aug 21, 1999 at 06:18:31AM -0700, Leiden, Soren spewed forth:
> VIM has some 150+ color syntax highlighting schemes-- attached is a fairly
> basic .vimrc file with syntax higlighting enabled...

Looked over that file...I see the syntax on line...but where are the
colours actually set????  That appears to be my problem...I tried the
syntax on thing that another person posted, and I got basically all bright
white text for everything that should have been colour, and regular text
where it should have been regular.

I'm afraid I'm an old emacs user, and got to know vi, but have paid very
very little attention to vim's extensions since it was introduced to linux.  

Could you do me a favour and digress about where the colours are actually
set?  :)  TERM=linux   ...I'm running on the consoles.

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