On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 10:34:30PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 1999-08-09 12:43:07 -0700, rex wrote:
> > I don't mind -- too much -- having to spend a couple of hours
> > reading enough about procmail 
> A couple of hours?  In doc/pgp-notes.txt, there is a recipe readily
> available for cut & paste.

Yes, but it didn't initially work for me -- I've forgotten why -- and
so I got sidetracked reading about procmail and .forward (which was
a red herring as it's not needed), and found some other things that
didn't work. Eventually I got it right and it works as advertised
(getting old and losing one's memory is a bitch).

> I'd really suggest you try reading the documentation provided with
> mutt.

Reading PGP-Notes.txt was the first thing that I did. The problem
was that procmail didn't work -- the recipe provided was fine.
> More specifically, doc/pgp-notes.txt has an example macro which can
> be used to generate "old-style" PGP signed messages. Changing it to
> do encryption is straigth-forward, though this won't be as simple to
> use as PGP/MIME encryption.

Another thing that I'd forgotten. :( Thanks.

> BTW, personally I'm using this to generate old-style PGP encrypted
> messages:
>               macro   compose "\ee"   "Fpgp -eatf "
> (Yes, I do send such messages sometimes, but only to a very special
> recipient who has the specific joy of using Lotus Notes. ;-) 

That's exactly the position I'm in. The recipient's employer dictates
using Lotus Notes internally. 

> > On a related note, does anyone have Mutt seamlessly working with
> > remailer traffic?
> You mean messages you receive through nym servers?  We don't have a
> handler for this so far, so you'll have to use premail, or hack a
> new handler for this.

Nym servers, yes. Oh joy, Yet Another Program to configure. If my
memory gets any worse I'm going to have to slink back to Windows
where this stuff just works (Potato (DOS) or Jack B. Nymble (Win95+)).

I'll stop whining now.

Thanks for the help.


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