Hi, I have read the (hopefully) relevant parts of the mutt manual, and cannot seem to 
find how to forward an email to someone, and have the attachments to the original 
email included in the mail I am forwarding.

The manual says to use the view attachments menu, tag the attachments then ;f (I 
assume) -> forward tagged attachments, I have tried various combinations like forward 
with one attachment tagged, all attachments tagged, with the tag-prefix (;) without 
the tag prefix. I've even tried all the above with reply instead of forward, and 
changing the reply To: address to the forward address.

I've read through the key-bindings help menu a few times too.

Someone at work found the mime-attachments quad-option which I tried playing with but 
that didn't seem to fix it either - just bundled up the original email as a mime 
attachment. Which I guess makes sense and I guess some people want to do.

It seems like a simple and straightforward feature that I was used to with my old mail 
client, and I find it puzzling that people obviously don't use it enough to have it in 
mutt. Either that or I'm just a bit slow at comprehending something I'm missing from 
the manual or elsewhere. Why would people first save an attachment, and then reattach 
file every time? Perhaps it's just not a common thing for most people. Myself, I seem 
to need this on a daily basis, and it's getting annoying to have to "bounce" a message 
(the only option that seems to work for what I want) and then send a follow up email 
describing the fact that the previous email should be treated as a forward.

Mutt 0.95.3i (1999-02-12)
is the version string; and Debian "Slink" on a Toshiba laptop.

I'm not subscribed to any mutt lists, so please reply to me personally (if intended).


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