------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- Date sent: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 12:02:13 +0200 From: Felix von Leitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Mike Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Copy to self doesn't work? > I have mutt 0.95.6i running on RedHat 5.2. Once upon a time (probably > with an earlier version of mutt?) I had it echoing my outgoing > mail to the "sent-mail" folder. But I see now it isn't doing it > any longer. I thought putting "set copy=yes" in my .muttrc > would do it (as in the examples on the web site) but this doesn't seem > to do anything. > Do you know what is wrong? Is it a bug or is there an undocumented > way of echoing my outgoing mail to a sent-mail folder? I maintain the FAQ, I don't do tech support. Please ask on the mailing lists. Felix -- Mike Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> System Administrator Global Sourcing Network