On Fri, Jul 23, 1999 at 02:03:18PM -0500, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> The alternative I use is
> set index_format="%3C%?M?+& ?%Z %[%b %d] %-16.16F [%-9.9O] %-33.33s (%4l)"
> It doesn't work quite the way Michael's does, but it shows who everything
> is from as well as the list (if any).  And it's tailored for my 80 cols.
Works well, but requires 84 columns for me.

(T.) Michael Sanders         internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Department           URL: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~sanders
University of Michigan       phone: 734/936-0799
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120     FAX: 734/764-6843

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