Michael Jennings [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Brad Appleton wrote:
> > Hmmn - in my case I am *extremely* interested in who it is from.
> > Depending on the list (which I'm also interested) it makes a huge
> > difference because I know there are certain posters on the list I wish
> > to summarily ignore most of the time, or that I usually want to read,
> > even if I wasn't following that particular thread. Of course I want to
> > know the list too, but I've been using procmail for that (and its changed
> > my life for the better ;-)
> set index_format="%3C. %Z %[%b %e] %30.30n %-35.35t (%4l) %s"
> That way you can see both the source *and* the destination of each
> e-mail. The only caveat is that it requires more than 80 columns to
> look good.
The alternative I use is
set index_format="%3C%?M?+& ?%Z %[%b %d] %-16.16F [%-9.9O] %-33.33s (%4l)"
It doesn't work quite the way Michael's does, but it shows who everything
is from as well as the list (if any). And it's tailored for my 80 cols.
Screenshot at:
Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
-- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_
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