J Horacio MG dixit:
> rex dixit:
> > On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 01:42:45AM +0200, Wilhelm Wienemann wrote:
> > > 
> >  
> > Try it on this message.
> > [ ... ]
> It shouldn't work here, since the pgp block should arrive as a mime
> attachment, and you sent it as part of the main message.  Therefore it
> won't even appear with a "K" next to the header unless there is a
> procmail recipe to preprocess it.

Uh, my apologies, I opened my mouth faster than I should ... it did
work, though still doesn't show the "K", but ^K works:

gpg: armor header: Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
gpg: pub  1024R/6C620FC9 1994-07-13   Rex Sheasby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
gpg: key 6C620FC9: skipped userid '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
gpg: key 6C620FC9: skipped userid '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
gpg: key 6C620FC9: skipped userid '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
gpg: key 6C620FC9: public key imported
gpg: key 32D4A925: already in trusted key table
gpg: uid 6C620FC9.1944/6F5C: Good self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1)
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and the keys shows in my public key file.

> It looks as if gpg doesn't support RSA, which would explain the the
> initial error message. The key is self-signed, so that shouldn't
> be the problem.

In "principle" it doesn't support either idea nor rsa, but in fact it
does by installing the modules idea.c and rsa.c, and adding to
~/.gnupg/options the following:

load-extension idea
load-extension rsa

Valencia - ESPAŅA

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