Hi David!
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, David DeSimone wrote:
> Wilhelm Wienemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > make keymap_defs.h
> >
> > Thanks, it works very well!
> I don't suppose anyone is interested in the problem of why the
> keymap-defs.h file wasn't built automatically?
1. Maybe I didn't read the enclosed documentation (INSTALL, NEWS,
README etc.) carefully enough, but I haven't seen that I have to
modify my wellknown habbits - especially the 'make'-command - to
make a compilation of a new mutt-version.
2. Until now I didn't subscribe the 'mutt-dev' mailinglist. Maybe
there was a discussion in the dev-list about the (new) command
'make keymap_defs.h' to get the needed header-file.
Only with a 'make' the 'keymap-defs.h' file wasn't build
(automatically). Maybe it can be enabled with an option of
'./configure', but also such a possibility I couldn't find neither
in any docs nor in './configure --help'. So, I doesn't know the
reason why it wasn't build (automatically).
Here I used a 'mutt.spec' file to make a 'mutt-0.96.3i-1.i386.rpm'
package. With the stable versions of mutt I used the 'make'
command for the 'build' process:
-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-compressed
-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
With this sequence the compilation failed with the earlier mailed
After the Modifikation I got very strange things during the build
process of the rpm-package. One documented directory was OK
(-DSHAREDIR=\"/usr/share/mutt\") but many others aren't
-DBINDIR=\"/tmp/mutt-root/usr/bin\" -I/tmp/mutt-root/usr/include),
however, the path-documentation in the 'mutt-0.96.3/Makefile' was
-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
prefix = /usr
exec_prefix = ${prefix}
bindir = /usr/bin
sbindir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
libexecdir = ${exec_prefix}/libexec
datadir = ${prefix}/share
sysconfdir = /usr/etc
includedir = /usr/include
oldincludedir = /usr/include
-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
So to get a useable package I must add many configuration-options
-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
--with-docdir=%{prefix}/doc/packages --bindir=%{prefix}/bin
--includedir=%{prefix}/include --sysconfdir=%{prefix}/etc
-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
and I must also delete the 'BuildRoot: /tmp/mutt-root' destination
in the spec-file. So the needed files are installed directly and not
in an order which I prefer, but it works.
So now I have to try out the 'pgp'-handle in the new version
of mutt.
bye - Wilhelm
>>>>>>>>> Wilhelm Wienemann, Amselweg 10, D-47546 Kalkar/Germany <<<<<<<<<
==========>>>>> E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<<<<===========
"And since you are the future keepers of everything, including music, we
hope you will keep it well, with love, and in joy." (Frederick Fennell)