On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 01:22:53AM +0200, Holger Eitzenberger wrote
> On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 05:43:12PM -0500, David DeSimone wrote:
> > I don't suppose anyone is interested in the problem of why the
> > keymap-defs.h file wasn't built automatically?
> At least _i_ am interested in it since I tried to build mutt-0.95.6-3
> from the Debian sources (unstable) and had exactly the same problem.
This could be interesting.
Here I could build mutt-0.95.6-1 without problems (Debian 2.1/2.2) but
the keymap-defs.h file wasn't built automatically under Irix.
The configure-options for Debian:
--prefix=/usr --with-sharedir=/usr/share/mutt \
--sysconfdir=/etc --disable-fcntl --enable-pop --enable-imap \
--with-slang --with-regex --enable-flock --enable-exact-address\
--enable-compressed --with-catgets
There is a seg-fault if LANG <> C and --with-included-gettext.
The configure-options for Irix:
--enable-pop --enable-imap --enable-flock --disable-fcntl \
--disable-nls --enable-compressed
Shade and sweet water!
| Stephan Seitz E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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